Karl-Heinz Gericke
Prof. Dr. phil.nat.

Anschrift Prof. Dr. K.-H. Gericke
Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Abteilung Laserchemie
TU Braunschweig
Hans-Sommer-Str. 10
38106 Braunschweig
Telefon (0531)  391 - 5326 / -5326
Fax (0531)  391 - 5396
Arbeitsgebiet Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging in living cells; single molecule detection;
15NO detection for human breath analysis and plant emission;
Dynamics of stereo- and state selected processes, mode selective chemistry, 3D Detection of product recoil momentum in chemical elementary processes;
Micro structured electrode plates (MSE), generation and analysis of plasma at ambient pressures, chemical plasma processes;.
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