Wavefunction Illustrations:
y(r,J,j) = R(r) .Y(J,j)

There are a lot of possibilities for illustrating total wavefunctions y(r,J,j) for hydrogen-like atoms. These wavefunctions consists of a radial part Rn,l(r) and and an angular part Yl,m(J,j): yn,l,m  =  Rn,l(r) Yl,m(J,j). It's quite hard to illustrate wavefunctions of this complexity in three-dimensional space, however. 

Radial and Angle parts:
yn,l,m  =  Rn,l(r) Yl,m(J,j)
For higher y values one will have higher point density.
Here one can also find some clips that show the above-mentioned electron orbitals 2s (1,0Mb), 2px(1,2Mb), 3px(1,2Mb), 3dxz(1,6Mb).
You can find more information in Internet: Orbitron.

Figure of hydrogen wavefunction (JPEG ca. 30 kb)
s p d f
x y z xy yz xz x2-y2 z2 z3 xz2 yz2
xyz z(x2-y2) x(x2-3y2) y(3x2-y2)
1 1s
2 2s 2px 2py 2pz
3 3s 3px 3py 3pz 3dxy 3dyz 3dxz 3dx2-y2 3dz2
4 4s 4px 4py 4pz 4dxy 4dyz 4dxz 4dx2-y2 4dz2 4fz3 4fxz2 4fyz2
4fxyz 4fz(x2-y2) 4fx(x2-3y2) 4fy(3x2-y2)
Normalized wavefunctions of hydrogen-like atoms. For nuclear charge Z>1 one must substitute ao with ao/Z everywhere
n l m ynlm Rnl(r) Ylm(J,j)
1 0 0 1 s 
2 0 0 2 s 
2 1 0 2 pz
2 1 1 2 px
2 1 -1 2 py
3 0 0 3 s
3 1 0 3 pz
3 1 1 3 px
3 1 -1 3 py
3 2 0 3 dz2
3 2 1 3 dxz
3 2 -1 3 dyz
3 2 2 3 dx2-y2
3 2 -2 3 dxy



To the classical illustration Radial + Angle parts:
The probability clouds for the first states of hydrogen atom.  The figures on the right correspond to Bohr radii.

Auf diesem Webangebot gilt die Datenschutzerklärung der TU Braunschweig mit Ausnahme der Abschnitte VI, VII und VIII.