E = ½ IAωA2 +½ IBωB2+ ½ ICωC2
with Ji = Ii ⋅ ωi (J = angular momentum) we obtain:
E = JA2/(2IA) + JB2/(2IB) + JC2/(2IC)
Some formulas to calculate moment of inertia are found here.
To begin, we assume the shape of the molecule to not be dependent on the
rotation, i.e. the length of bonds arenot affected by centrifugal
forces. The molecule is thus regarded as rigid rotor in contrast to an elastic
rotor. We have to deal with the following cases
Spherical top | IA = IB = IC = I | e.g. CH4, CCl4, SF6 |
Symmetric top | IA = IB = I⊥ and IC =
I|| I||>I⊥ oblate I||<I⊥ prolate |
e.g. Benzene CH3I |
rotor (a special case of symmetric top) |
IA = 0, IB = IC | all diatomic molecules, e.g. NO, C2N2, CO2 |
Asymmetric top | IA ≠ IB ≠ IC,
IA ≠ IC IA < IB < IC |
e.g. H2O |
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